C# Example

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Generating the Proxy Class


Included as part of the .Net Framework tools is the Web Services Description Language Tool (Wsdl.exe). Using Wsdl.exe, you can create a C# proxy class which can be used to communicate with the FinalBuilder Server web services.




wsdl.exe /n:[namespace] /o:[output_file] [build_machine]/Services/FinalBuilderServer.asmx?wsdl


Substituting the following:


[namespace]  - The namespace that the generated source file should have.

[output_file] - The location where you want the source file to be generated.

[build_machine] - The URL to machine hosting FinalBuilder Server, including the virtual directory if applicable.


For example:

wsdl.exe /n:"VSoft" /o:"C:\Proxy.cs" http://MyBuildVM/Services/FinalBuilderServer.asmx?wsdl



Using the Generated Proxy Class


You will need to add the proxy class to your C# project and include a reference to 'System.Web.Services'.


using System;

using VSoft;


namespace WebService.Sample


  public class Program


      public static void Main(string[] args)


          // Instantiate the FinalBuilder Server Proxy Class.

          FinalBuilderServer server = new FinalBuilderServer();


          // Authenticate the user.

          string authToken = server.Authenticate("paul", "my_password");


          // Get the list of all projects configured on this build server.

          string[] projectNames = server.GetProjectNames(authToken);


          foreach (string projectName in projectNames)


              // Get the status of the project

              ProjectStatus status = server.GetProjectStatus(authToken, projectName);

              Console.WriteLine("Project '{0}' state is currently '{1}'.", projectName, status);


              // Get the trigger log of the project

              string[] log = server.GetProjectTriggerLog(authToken, projectName);

              Console.WriteLine("Project '{0}' Trigger Log:", projectName);


              foreach (string line in log)








