Installation Issues

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FinalBuilder Server works fine on the machine it was installed on, but when you try to view the page from remote machines you receive an error.

Make sure that the firewall on the machine FinalBuilder Server was installed on has been configured to allow incoming traffic on the port which IIS is configured.



When opening FinalBuilder Server you receive a 403 Forbidden error, or all you see is HTML markup.

FinalBuilder Server requires that ASP.Net 2.0 is configured and working correctly on the web server.



You have FinalBuilder Server running on Windows XP and you receive a 403.9 [ Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected Internet Information Services ].

Windows XP by default will only allow up to 10 users to be connected simutaneosly to IIS. You can increase this limit to 40 by executing the following script from the command line.


"cscript.exe C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts\adsutil.vbs set w3svc/MaxConnections 40"



You are able to view the FinalBuilder Server web interface, but are unable to log in using Internet Explorer.

Make sure that the machine which is hosting the FinalBuilder Server web site does not contain an underscore in its name.