Permissions Overview

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User access to parts of FinalBuilder Server can be restricted by the use of permissions. Each user is assigned one or more roles which define the permissions that the user will have.  Below is a list of all permissions, grouped by subject.


Interact with Projects


Starting projects
Stopping projects
Setting a user to be responsible for a failed project
Taking responsibility for a failed project
Clearing the entire build queue
Removing single items from the build queue
Suspending projects
Resuming suspended projects



Manage Projects & Project Files


Creating new projects
Removing existing projects
Modifying existing projects
Uploading new project files to the build server
Downloading existing project files from the build server
Removing existing project files from the build server
Configure the project level access for users on a project



Manage Variables


Define which variables are to set when a project starts
Remove a variable from being set when a project starts
Modify previously defined variables.



Manage Notifications


Set which users are to be notified and change what users are to be notified on
Remove users from being notified
Change which users are to be notified or change what users are to be notified on
Change the notification templates that are sent to users



Manage Project Triggers and Conditions


Create new project triggers
Remove existing project triggers
Modify existing project triggers
Create new build conditions
Remove existing conditions applied to a project
Modify existing conditions



Manage Users


Create new users on the management server
Delete users from the management server
Modify existing users on the management server



Manage Roles


Create new roles that can assigned to users
Delete existing roles
Modify existing roles, including the permissions which are allowed with the role
Assign roles to users



Manage Licenses


View the licenses that have been uploaded to the management server
Remove previously uploaded licenses from the management server
Download licenses from management server
Remove a build server from being licensed on the management server



Manage Configuration


Configure the Smtp server that the build server will use to send notifications
Change the appearance of the build server's status page, including the custom message text and the custom logo
Change the default project settings that all projects can use, such as the default impersonation username and password and the maximum number of concurrent builds
Alter the global notification templates, which are used when a project has not yet customized its own templates
Viewing or clearing the application log