Excluding Files from Source Control Monitoring

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All of the version control trigger types include an option to exclude files from triggering the build.


This option can be useful when there are files which are changed in source control as part of the build process (eg. version information), or when there are files in the source control repository which should not trigger the build process (eg. internal documentation files.)


The Exclusion options are available at the bottom of the Add Trigger/Edit Trigger page for each Version Control trigger type:





In the above example, the trigger is set to exclude the 'Version.ini' file.  Adding 'Build/Installer/' as an extra line would also exclude all files in the Build/Installer repository from triggering builds.


Click the 'Show Examples' link on the page to see a quick list of example patterns.



Special Characters


The following special characters can be used to match files:





Matches any part of a file name, but not path delimiters / or \.


Matches anything, including path delimiters.


Matches any single character, apart from path delimiters / or \.

/ and \

Path delimiters, are considered identical and can be used interchangeably.


Separates multiple Exclude Files patterns.






Exclude Files entries are matched on either the file name, or the full path name.


Use ** at the beginning or end of the path name to match any parent or subdirectory combinations.


The files which are matched are returned as source control repository paths, with the particular format being determined by the source control server.


Path delimiters / and \ are considered identical (ie forward slashes will match back slashes, and vice versa.)



Verbose Logging


Enable this option in order to make it easier to debug and monitor File Exclude matches.


When this option is enabled, the Project Trigger Log will record the names of any modified files, and whether or not any were excluded from triggering the build.