Adding a New Project

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Once the FinalBuilder project file has been uploaded to the build server you can add a new FinalBuilder Server project which uses that project file.




1. From the FinalBuilder Server Status page click on the 'Add New Project' link located towards the bottom of the content.
2. Choose a project name which will be used to identify the project throughout the server.
3. Optionally give the project a description, the description can be anything (i.e. explains what the project builds, or it might contain the maintainer of the project).
4. If you have not already done so, you will need to upload a FinalBuilder project file to the server and then select it from the drop down list.
5. Select whether you want the project to be made public. When a project is public, all users including anonymous users can view the project, but only logged in users may interact with the project. A private project is only visible to users who are logged in and have access to it.
6. Depending on whether or not you have a global impersonation user you may need to provide the windows username and password who will be used to execute the build.
7. Clicking 'Add' will add the project to the server and you will be redirected back to the status page after clicking 'Save'.


Note: you can have multiple projects defined which use the same physical project file.  Each project can be configured with different variables, different triggers, etc.